A helping hand for those in need ...
Servicing Bungendore and the surrounding area, the Bungendore Food Hub provides help to those in our community who need a helping hand.
Located up the driveway behind St Philip’s Anglican Church, Corner of Butmaroo & Gibraltar St, Bungendore, the Hub offers a range of food, toiletries and warm clothing to those seeking support. Also available is information regarding local community resources. No referrals are necessary and items and services provided are free.
The Hub is open on Wednesday’s from 10am until mid day. If in need, please call in and have a chat to the volunteers onsite.
Donations of both non perishable and perishable goods are welcome and can be made anytime to Phil’s Emporium, Anglican Church Hall, 27 Butmaroo St, Bungendore during opening hours. There is also a collection point at Bungendore IGA for non perishable goods.
(Phil's Emporium & Captains Treasure Facebook Feeds have moved to the Home page)